Monday, August 27, 2012

Capsulitis: Take Time Now and Get it Treated

English: Right knee.
Right knee. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Two bones coming together in the body form a joint. Joints are what allow the body to move. Capsular ligaments surround the joint. They are tough cord like structures that are similar in strength to tough leather. They hold the bones together in alignment and allow the joint to move within its appropriate range. Bones are tougher than ligaments and have strength more in the range of low grade steel. With ligaments holding the joint together, if a traumatic injury occurs, since the ligaments are the weaker of the two structures, they give way first. Faulty biomechanical structure can also cause stress that results in an injury.

Activities done every day may contribute to stress that leads to injury. Some of the day to day activities that you do that may be contributing factors include:
  • Stooping while gardening
  • Squatting down frequently
  • Climbing ladders
  • Working close to the ground or floor
  • Wearing high heels
All of these activities force the body into a position where the toes are excessively bent and a great deal of pressure is placed on the toes. Eventually, this constant overstretching occurs and capsulitis sets in. If the aggravating activity continues the injury becomes more serious and takes longer period of time to heal.

The pain caused by capsulitis is a continual nagging discomfort. At times the pain may closely resemble that of Morton’s neuroma, making it difficult or somewhat confusing to diagnose. A clear history of prior foot injuries, complaints and activities may assist Dr. Boucher with her evaluation, so a patient should be prepared to answer questions. You should contact Dr. Boucher if you suspect you have capsulitis.

Fortunately, there are conservative treatments that should help with the discomfort. These may include:
  • Oral anti-inflammatory medications
  • Cortisone injections
  • Topical analgesics
You need to avoid the aggravating activity as much as possible and protect your feet by wearing shoes that have a more durable sole. Avoid flip-flops, high heels, boat shoes, skimmers and flats. These shoes have flimsy soles and will not protect your feet. Call Dr. Boucher at (203) 238-3668 if you suspect you have capsulitis. A delay in treatment will worsen the condition and extend the recovery time.

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