Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Arthritis and the Foot

In the past couple of days I have diagnosed several cases of arthritis in the foot. You may think that getting arthritis in the foot is an uncommon problem, but since there are many joints in the foot, it is a prime place for it to occur.

Over 30 million Americans suffer from arthritis in all parts of their body and while adults are the major sufferers of the disease, children can have this condition as well. Arthritis means that the cartilage and lining of your joints is swollen and inflammed.

Just like your hands, which have many joints and are a common affected area, feet have a similar likelihood because of the number of joints.

There are two types of arthritis: osteoarthritis and rheumotoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is found in many older patients, but younger patients may have this condition due to an injury or overuse of a particular joint. The cartilage that covers the end of the bones begins to wear away, especially in weight-bearing joints, and often times bone spurs will develop in those areas. The inflammation from the spurs causes pain and swelling.

Rheumatoid arthritis can be found in people of all ages and is a chronic condition. When treating this ailment, podiatrists seek to provide their patients with pain relief, increase the motion in their joints, and improve strength in those areas.

So what can be done if you suffer from arthritis? There are several treatment options depending on the severity of your condition. Many people will have custom-made orthotics made for their shoes and others use accomodating shoes to alleviate much of the pain associated with the pain. Sometimes treatment can be as simple as rest or modified activity, an anti-inflammation medication, or an arthritis medication.

Dr. Tina A. Boucher, DPM
Central Connecticut Foot Care, LLC
Meriden, CT Podiatrist
Order you free copy of our books "Why Do My Feet Hurt?" and "Heal My Heel!" today!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Product of the Month: Moszkito Sandals

In preparation for the warm summer months ahead, try Moszkito Archy Sandals for men or women, sold in our office. Many patients wear flip-flops during the summer season and have debilitating heel pain in the autumn months because of it. So if you are going to wear flip-flips anyway (and we don't recommend wearing anything other than these!) you might as well wear one that has arch support and is fashionable! There are twelve varieties for women and nine varieties for men.

Get $10 off your purchase of Moszkito Archy Sandals during the month of May. Patient must mention blog post to get the discount. Offer ends May 31, 2010.

Dr. Tina A. Boucher, DPM
Central Connecticut Foot Care, LLC
Meriden, CT Podiatrist
Order your free copy of our books "Why Do My Feet Hurt?" and "Heal My Heel!" today!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

National Skin Cancer Month

May is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month, and while you would not think that you can get skin cancer on your feet, it is a possibility. Lathering up your feet is just as important as lathering up your legs, arms, and face.

Checking your feet is a good way for early detection of skin cancer. If an irregular shaped spot appears on your foot, check the rest of your body. Nearly half of the people who have a melanoma on their foot die within five years because the cancer had spread throughout their body. Early detection is KEY!

More than half of the cases of skin cancer on the foot occur in blacks.

There are three key areas to which you should pay attention on your feet: around and under the toenails (a spot that does not go away with time, like a bruised toenail would), the soles, and inbetween the toes.

Remember to look for the ABCDE's of skin cancer:

A: Asymmetry

B: Border

C: Color

D: Diameter

E: Elevation

If you find a mole or spot that fits one or more of these criteria, you should seek the advice of a podiatrist for moles and spots on the foot. For other areas of the body you should visit a dermatologist.

Dr. Tina A. Boucher, DPM
Central Connecticut Foot Care, LLC
Meriden, CT Podiatrist
Order your free copy of our books "Why Do My Feet Hurt?" and "Heal My Heel!" today!

Shoe of the Month: Chunky Heels

It's no wonder fashion's hottest new fotowear staple is none other than the friendly and innovative chunky heel. Known for its relative ease on the feet, the chunky heel offers much more stability than its skinny friend. For best fit, always buy shoes in the afternoon after feet have had time to swell from the day's activities. Buying shoes when feet are at their largest will ensure the best possible fit.

Dr. Tina A. Boucher, DPM
Central Connecticut Foot Care, LLC
Meriden, CT Podiatrist
Order your free copy of our books "Why Do My Feet Hurt?" and "Heal My Heel!" today!