Thursday, May 6, 2010

National Skin Cancer Month

May is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month, and while you would not think that you can get skin cancer on your feet, it is a possibility. Lathering up your feet is just as important as lathering up your legs, arms, and face.

Checking your feet is a good way for early detection of skin cancer. If an irregular shaped spot appears on your foot, check the rest of your body. Nearly half of the people who have a melanoma on their foot die within five years because the cancer had spread throughout their body. Early detection is KEY!

More than half of the cases of skin cancer on the foot occur in blacks.

There are three key areas to which you should pay attention on your feet: around and under the toenails (a spot that does not go away with time, like a bruised toenail would), the soles, and inbetween the toes.

Remember to look for the ABCDE's of skin cancer:

A: Asymmetry

B: Border

C: Color

D: Diameter

E: Elevation

If you find a mole or spot that fits one or more of these criteria, you should seek the advice of a podiatrist for moles and spots on the foot. For other areas of the body you should visit a dermatologist.

Dr. Tina A. Boucher, DPM
Central Connecticut Foot Care, LLC
Meriden, CT Podiatrist
Order your free copy of our books "Why Do My Feet Hurt?" and "Heal My Heel!" today!

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